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Landslide Safety & Preparedness Tips | www.redcross.org 
there is debris flow activity upstream so be prepared to move quickly. Be especially alert when driving watch for collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks and other indications of possible debris flow. If you...
Tsunami Preparedness | Tsunami Safety Tips | www.redcross.org 
and could be close to your area. A Tsunami WATCH means a tsunami has not yet been verified but could exist and may be as little as an hour away. [Recommendation: Create unique infographic] Before...
Flood Safety | Flood Preparedness | www.redcross.org 
to rapidly rising water along a stream or low-lying area. Learn what to do to keep your loved ones safe! Know the Difference! A flood/flash flood WATCH means a flood or flash flood is possible. A flood...
Winter Storm Preparedness | Safety Tips | www.redcross.org 
feel on exposed skin. Winter Storm OUTLOOK : Winter storm conditions possible in the next two to five days. Stay tuned to local media for updates. Winter Storm WATCH : Winter storm conditions possible...
Chemical Emergency Preparedness | www.redcross.org 
identify the contents of each container and how to properly use the product. Better yet dont store chemicals at home. Buy only as much of a chemical as you think you will use. If you have product left...
Power Outage Safety | www.redcross.org 
in a cooler or in the refrigerator will keep food colder for a longer period of time during a prolonged blackout. A digital quick-response thermometer With these thermometers you can quickly check...